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What we do

ALK Positive Lung Cancer (UK) is a registered charity established by patients and their families and friends. Our purpose is to extend the overall survival and quality of life of ALK-positive lung cancer patients across the UK.

We do this through support, empowerment and advocacy.

We have an active forum for patients, family and close friends where experiences can be shared and where mutual support can be given and received. Our website is an information resource for patients, their families and friends, healthcare professionals and the general public.

We hold regular lunches throughout the UK that all of our members can attend. We share information across our social media pages and we regularly consult with relevant authoritative bodies on the status of ALK+ lung cancer in the UK.

We hold an annual weekend conference for patirents and their families to hear from and question the UK's leading ALK-positive experts.

We carry out surveys of our members to gather real-world data on all aspects of diagnosis and treatment and we publish papers in the medical press and produce advice booklets.

More information about what we do can be found on our Healthcare Professionals page


  We do not offer medical advice.

Our aims

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AIM #1

To provide an information resource for UK ALK-positive lung cancer patients and to support and empower patients and to advocate on their behalf.

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AIM #4

To liaise with and influence decision makers such as NICE, NHS and DVLA.

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AIM #2

To identify and locate  ALK-positive patients throughout the UK and offer support and guidance on the location of  ALK+ specialists and services.

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AIM #5

To liaise with other lung cancer organisations, other oncogene-driven support groups and the pharmaceutical industry.

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AIM #3

To raise awareness of ALK-positive lung cancer, particularly among medical professionals, so as to promote early diagnosis and best practice.

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AIM #6

To raise funds to advance  the aims of the Charity which are to support and empower patients and to advocate on their behalf.

Read a report about the role of our group in supporting and educating patients.

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Read the Report of our 2023 Conference

Read the Trustees' Report for 2022

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Read Our Brochure

Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.

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